UCU (University and College Union) is the largest trade union and professional association for academics, lecturers, trainers, researchers and senior professional services staff working in higher, further, adult and prison education throughout the UK. The UCU national website will tell you more about UCU and it’s activities.
This Eastern and Home Counties regional office supports the UCU branches in HE, FE, Adult Education and Prison Education across the East of England: Norfolk, Suffolk, Cambridgeshire, Essex, Hertfordshire, Bedfordshire and Buckinghamshire see branches covered by this regional office
The team are:
Lydia Richards Regional Official
Alex Eastwood Regional Support Officer
Michael Kyriacou Regional Support Officer
Pete Monaghan Branch Development Officer
Kate Servant Caseworker
Lorraine Collins Regional Administrator
with support from Ronnie Kershaw National Organiser
Contact us eastern@ucu.org.uk
Follow us on:
Facebook @UCUEHCRegion
Twitter @UCUEHCRegion
Instagram @easternucu
EHC regional YouTube channel